舞動青春 揮灑自我

Posted by Author On 12 - 27 - 2008

今天清晨 ,太陽公公露出了笑容 ,四人於今日早上7:00 歡天喜地朝向目的地出發(預計先到木柵停車) 不過......卻遭到氣象播報員"IA5-小胖" 的烏鴨嘴之準到爆下雨咀咒.....木柵下起了大雨 (靠~~~~) 丁老闆: 要不要騎啊.... 勁量: 下雨天不要騎了.... 陳總統: 靠~不騎回去上班的話 ,會被笑..... 芒果: 桃園好像沒下雨...换地方騎.... 陳總統: 不然去三峽的"紫微森林"好了..... 丁老闆: 是親子路線嗎?? (無知中....) 陳總統: 好像滿硬的 ,不過沒再怕的 ,騎了就知道..... 就這樣 ,穿著同樣隊服的四個人,站在下雨天的木柵捷運站前馬路上,七嘴八舌地討論出結果 ! (開車經過的人應該覺得我們是瘋子~~) 沒錯!! 今日的行程就是網友稱"北部地區前三名之陡坡聖地-紫微森林"

橫行千里 登峰造極

Posted by Author On 04 - 26 - 2009

單車環島 ,對於不熱中單車活動的人來說是一種自虐的行程 但對於單車愛好者來講 ,卻是一個終極的目標! 終於 ,在2009年的春末 ,我和朋友們完成了單車環島的夢想 歷時8.5天 ,總里程1145公里 ,穿越了無數個縣市與城鎮 ,看遍了台灣的城市與鄉野之美~ 回來後 ,有人問我好玩嗎? 我回答: 只用8天來大環島 ,應該不算是玩 ,應該是算修行吧!! 但這趟旅程 ,卻是人生中難得的生活體驗! 實在是太多值得回憶的事了 ,其中的酸甜苦辣 ,就記述在網誌裡分享給大家了~

踩出自我 轉動夢想

Posted by Author On 02 - 21 - 2009

經過司馬庫斯的摧殘之後 ,k15軍團在信心上遭到嚴重的打擊 ,對於"挑戰"及"爬坡"已有莫名的恐懼 ,有鑑於此 ,芒果和勁量決定要點燃各位對單車的熱情 ,因此 ,找了芒果大學同學-明志幫 ,共同挑戰難度頗高的"陽金3P字道" ,希望透過我們的成功 ,喚起大家心中那"沒有再怕的啦"的勇氣與靈魂~

不畏艱難 勇往直前

Posted by Author On 01 - 31 - 2009

規劃一個月的司馬庫斯單車行 ,終於即將在年假結束的最後二天舉行 ,這個鮮少人知的神秘原住民部落 ,卻是單車界中著名的聖地。 車齡分別才4個月及6個月的肉腳車隊 -K15及IA5 ,繼上次北橫公路挑戰成功後 ,再度攜手合作 ,共同挑戰這北部地區最終的魔王路線~

挑戰極限 永不放棄

Posted by Author On 30 - 05 - 2009

"武嶺"位於合歡山主峰和東峰之間的鞍部 ,海拔3275公尺 ,是台灣公路的最高點!也號稱是全東南亞公路的最高點! 如果說台灣最高峰-玉山 ,是每位登山者的終極目標的話 ,那單車界最高的殿堂就是武嶺了! 從埔里地理中心碑開始 ,到達武嶺 ,總長約54公里 ,一路爬坡而上 ,總爬升達到2800公尺 ,除了考驗著體力與意志力外 ,是否能夠克服高山上令人窒息的稀薄空氣才是一大挑戰! 活力四射的K15軍團 ,秉持著對於單車挑戰的熱愛及打死不退的精神 ,就在今日 ,燃燒體內的小宇宙 ,踩上踏板 ,朝向全台單車界最高聖地 ,奔馳而去~

10 days around Taiwan

張貼者: k15sbiker On 下午4:47 0 意見
what a nice country for cycling! From Jongli going to north and following the coast, we took 10 days of cycling, we had so many nice experiences. We stop in every county to try their famous food specialities, their famous features, buildings, museums, national park... Unfortunately, so many things are closed on monday!?!?!?!? So we didn't rush around Taiwan. We just enjoy the nice sunny days we had. But of course, we also had some rain on the east coast, Taiwan is Taiwan. We just had one bad idea on the day 5, we took the road 197 from Chihshang to Taidung. It's a nice quiet country road, we just had the bad luck a a flat tyre under the rain and had for 20 Km of gravel road. Just a light accident broke the moral of my poor Deborah.

The nice stinky tofu of Taitung fixed our moral after our bodies suffered of sunburns and scratches. We also been in a nice tea shop learning about tea. So many thing a Canadian guy like me don't know about tea. Deborah use her talent of interpreter to make the conversation between us and the old guy.
We had a so nice guesthouse in Taidung for 1000 dollars a night(Hotel quality).

Then heading south, Kending National Park. The road was steep, but once we are up, we go down, I like it. :)

Everybody helped us with so many informations, food, water, any kind of service.

I try to make this summary short but, this trip was full of adventures.

That was one of the greatest trip of my life.

Thank you Taiwan

Xavier and Deborah
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